
Jumat, 26 September 2008

Life MUST go ON...

6 monthz has gone by,since my mom passed away.. N i'm still feeling that she's still alive. The spirit that she has will never fade. Mom has tought me so many things in life,in order to stay alive n survive. Itz a cruel n harsh world..n i'm greatful that i hav relatives,frens n fmily to keep me hangin' on.
It may not be an easy thing..coz i saw it my mom fighting cancer all her made me realize that life is precious..
I was relieved that God took mom away from this world.. She finaly has rest in peace,n no longer has to suffer in pain..
I'm sure she's happier in heaven,that'z where she belongz..

Lebaran yg sbntar lgi akn tibaa..akankah sm?sperti thun2 sblumnya?ketika bunda masi d si2quh.. It will be my first experience celebrating the glorious moment without my bloved mom..n i'm so scared..but no matter what,

Rabu, 23 Januari 2008

i cudn't be happier.....

cinta,,, has made me a better person,,, the power of love,, trully helped me becoming a better personn!! aq yg dulu dan sekarang... trdapat perubahan yg cukup signifikan... trutama dl mmbw dirikuh...terjun k dlm hidupp... i must survive dl keadaan apapun... boleh lah sedih,, but not for long!!! krn apa??? org2 yg lebih mnderita dripada qt tuh masih byk,, there are tonnes of them who has to fast,,bcoz they don't have any money to buy a lil amount of foood...

dan msalh sy,,, ntu gak ada apa2na dibandingkan mreka,,, i have to start listening to another people,,, give them hope... n maybe solution if they need my help...
i can't be selfishh,,

i don't have the right to be mad at GOD??!!!

it's not his fault....

skrg,,, bagaimn carana qt berskp,,berbwat lebih baek dlm mengatasi mslah apapun...
any lil problem cud lead to a bigger problem,,,

so if ther's anythin u need to say to u're familys,or friends... say it... b4 it's to latE!! tell them how u love them,,,

dan jk ada sdkit mslh,,work things out,, start forgiving peoples,,, n stop blaming other people for u'r mistake...
start u'e day with a smile,,, n i'm sure this world will be a better place peoples!!!

start to aprreciat lil things...

love ya aLL!!!